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Tools2Go-38220 Tools2Go-38220 Tools2Go-38220
Tools2Go-38220 Tools2Go-38220 Tools2Go-38220
Tire Valve Cutter 230mm
Tire Valve Cutter 230mm For quick removal of the old valve Cuts off on inner side of rim Avoids scratches (e.g. when using a knife) Blade width: 18 mm Max. jaw width: 30 mm Length: 230 mm...

Item number

T2g-CW 38220

€ 57,96 *
€ 40,06 *

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Tire Valve Cutter 230mm
For quick removal of the old valve
Cuts off on inner side of rim
Avoids scratches (e.g. when using a knife)
Blade width: 18 mm
Max. jaw width: 30 mm
Length: 230 mm
Application: for rubber valves

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