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Tools2Go-35352 Tools2Go-35352 Tools2Go-35352
Tools2Go-35352 Tools2Go-35352 Tools2Go-35352
Stud Extractor Set 5-pcs
Stud Extractor Set 5-pcs To unscrew stud bolts 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm Short model for working in confined spaces 4 special sockets for automatically clamping Incl. double head ratchet spanner, 14 x...

Item number

T2g-CW 35352

€ 71,39 *
€ 49,35 *

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Stud Extractor Set 5-pcs
To unscrew stud bolts 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm
Short model for working in confined spaces
4 special sockets for automatically clamping
Incl. double head ratchet spanner, 14 x 17 mm, reversible
Diameter:    6-12 mm

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