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Tools2Go-36052 Tools2Go-36052 Tools2Go-36052
Tools2Go-36052 Tools2Go-36052 Tools2Go-36052
Pulley Puller universal
Pulley Puller universal For pulling and counterholding at the same time Prevents the crankshaft from rotating Flexible assembly spread: 54 mm - 120 mm 1/2" square for counterholding, e.g....

Item number

T2g-CW 36052

€ 120,88 *
€ 83,54 *

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Pulley Puller universal
For pulling and counterholding at the same time
Prevents the crankshaft from rotating
Flexible assembly spread: 54 mm - 120 mm
1/2" square for counterholding, e.g. with a swivel bar (Condor item number 22730)
Includes 2 fixing bolts each in M6 and M8
Manufacturer:    UNIVERSAL

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