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OBD II (EOBD) Error Code Diagnostic Tool OBD II (EOBD) Error Code Diagnostic Tool OBD II (EOBD) Error Code Diagnostic Tool OBD II (EOBD) Error Code Diagnostic Tool OBD II (EOBD) Error Code Diagnostic Tool
OBD II (EOBD) Error Code Diagnostic Tool OBD II (EOBD) Error Code Diagnostic Tool OBD II (EOBD) Error Code Diagnostic Tool OBD II (EOBD) Error Code Diagnostic Tool OBD II (EOBD) Error Code Diagnostic Tool
OBD II (EOBD) Error Code Diagnostic Tool
OBD II (EOBD) Error Code Diagnostic Tool allows reading and deleting OBDII trouble codes no trouble code list required, all trouble codes are displayed in plain text viewing the freeze frame...

Item number

T2g-GL B 6648

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OBD II (EOBD) Error Code Diagnostic Tool
allows reading and deleting OBDII trouble codes
no trouble code list required, all trouble codes are displayed in plain text
viewing the freeze frame values is an important feature to locate a fault
reading of readiness codes indicates if emission systems are ready or not
enables reading live data, various parameters are shown in real time
power supply via vehicle OBDII connector (DLC)
easy to use
menu languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian
OBDII error codes = motor control error codes, a reading of comfort and safety systems such as airbags, ABS, radio, heated seats, etc. not possible
CE Standard Yes
Gross weight 620 g

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