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Tools2Go-34713 Tools2Go-34713
Tools2Go-34713 Tools2Go-34713
Alternator Tool Set for Free-Wheel Drive Pulleys 13-pcs
Alternator Tool Set for Free-Wheel Drive Pulleys 13-pcs For disassembly and assembly of free-wheel drive pulleys on alternators Also for air conditioning compressors with identical free-wheel...

Item number

T2g-CW 34713

€ 76,23 *
€ 52,69 *
Price per unit

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Alternator Tool Set for Free-Wheel Drive Pulleys 13-pcs
For disassembly and assembly of free-wheel drive pulleys on alternators
Also for air conditioning compressors with identical free-wheel drives
Often new alternators are supplied without free-wheel drive pulleys, requiring modifications
- Alternator Socket, 1/2", 33 teeth nut, spline M10
- Alternator Socket, 1/2", 33 teeth nut, tx-star T50
- Bit round shank hexagon 8x75mm
- Bit round shank hexagon 10x75mm
- Bit round shank spline M8x75mm
- Bit round shank spline M10x75mm
- Bit round shank tx-star T40x75mm
- Bit round shank tx-star T50x75mm
- Counter Holder 15 mm x 33 teeth diameter 17.5mm
- Counter Holder 22 mm x 33 teeth diameter 19.5mm
- Counter Holder 22x28mm
- Counter Holder 17mm x 4 pins

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