Customers reviews


Tools2Go-33804 Tools2Go-33804
Tools2Go-33804 Tools2Go-33804
Accelerator and Brake Pedal Depressor
Accelerator and Brake Pedal Depressor convenient tool for one-man operations for depressing the brake pedal, e.g. wheel alignment jobs, checking brake lights or trailor brakes for depressing the...

Item number

T2g-CW 33804

€ 90,75 *
€ 62,73 *

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Accelerator and Brake Pedal Depressor
convenient tool for one-man operations
for depressing the brake pedal, e.g. wheel alignment jobs, checking brake lights or trailor brakes
for depressing the accelerator, e.g. setting the engine speed or measuring omissions
smoothly adjustable, quick release function
Length: 825 mm

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