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Tools2Go-33559 Tools2Go-33559 Tools2Go-33559 Tools2Go-33559 Tools2Go-33559 Tools2Go-33559
6 Channel Electronic Stethoscope
6 Channel Electronic Stethoscope for locating grinding, knocking and rattling noises for identifying mechanical damage on engine, running gear and car body by locating the noise source 6 clamp...

Item number

T2g-CW 33559

€ 337,59 *
€ 233,32 *

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6 Channel Electronic Stethoscope
for locating grinding, knocking and rattling noises
for identifying mechanical damage on engine, running gear and car body by locating the noise source
6 clamp sensors can be attached on different parts of the vehicle and connected individually to 6-channel amplifier
can be operated during road test, 4.8 m long cables can be layed out in vehicle and fixed with hook-and-loop fasteners to avoid any interference
also applicable as engine stethoscope, with flexible shaft and audio probe
Headset: cushioned
Audio Probe, flexible: with noise level adjustment
6 Channel Amplifier: with noise level adjustment
Clamp Sensor: with colour code and 4.8 m cables (6x in set)
Hook-and-Loop Fasteners 8 pcs.
Headset, cushioned
Audio Probe, flexible with noise level adjustment
6 Channel Amplifier, with volume regulater with noise level adjustment
Clamp Sensor, with colour code and 4.8 m cable
Hook-and-Loop Fasteners, 8pcs

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